👉Quick start

Welcome to the fast and simple world of earning $FRK (Frak tokens) while enjoying your favorite YouTube content. Here's a quick guide to get you started:


All you need to start earning $FRK, is to sign up on Frak Google Chrome Extension, open YouTube, and watch a video.

The Extension helps Frak calculate the time watched & redistribute the value generated between you and the content Creator.

Earning while watching YouTube

  1. Download Frak Web Browser Extension (Chrome | Firefox (soon) | Safari (soon))

  2. Signup

  3. Start a video as usual

Note on balance update: Your balance will increment for every minute, note that it can take a few minutes before the transaction finishes, you’ll still have to claim your rewards on the extension (Read more).

Earning while listening to podcasts with Sybel

  1. Download Frak Web Browser Extension (Chrome)

  2. Go to the settings of the Extension

  3. Sync Sybel account

  4. Listen to a podcast on Sybel

Note on balance update: Your balance will increment after every minutes played on Sybel, but updates every 24hours on the extension, you’ll still have to claim your rewards on the extension (Read more).


  • Watch a complete video to create a wallet

  • Begin by watching a video from a YouTube channel that's NOT minted on Frak After 30 minutes, either you or someone else should rewatch it. Do this, and secure YOUR 0.1 $FRK !

  • The indicator turns green when you’re watching YouTube & earn $FRK for every minute watched

  • You can Claim your Balance from 5 $FRK

  • There may be a delay between video viewing and $FRK appearing in the claimable amount due to blockchain processing. Frak stores this data until it's recorded, then deletes it from the database.

  • $FRK earnings displayed in the extension will be refreshed every 30 minutes.

Last updated